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It's All in the Title

By MPL Staff on Apr 4, 2015 12:24 PM

Rust by Jonathan Waldman

An environmental journalist traces the historical war against rust, revealing how rust-related damage costs more than all other natural disasters combined and how it is combated by industrial workers, the government, universities, and everyday people.




Banana by Dan Koeppel

A biological and cultural history of the banana cites the fruit's role in the development of Central American nations and international business, citing diseases that are threatening the survival of the banana while profiling banana-inspired hobbies and traditions.




Coal by Barbara Freese

Traces the history of coal from its foundations three million years ago through its role in industry and disease, covering such areas as its uses as jewelry in ancient Rome, in the establishment of China as a twelfth-century superpower, and as a tool in the Civil War.




Milk by Anne Mendelson

A food lover's guide to milk combines a culinary history that traces the popularity of milk in the human diet, the dietary applications of both fresh milk and fermented milk products, and the development of the modern-day dairy industry with more than 120 recipes from around the world, such as Cream of Tomato Soup, Beef Stroganoff, and Pashka.



Salt by Mark Kurlansky

Drawn from the bestseller Salt: A World History, a stunning picture book presents a wealth of information on salt, from the many ways it's gathered from the earth and sea, to its many uses throughout history, from ancient times to Gandhi's famous Salt March.







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