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Let it Snow!

By Jacki on Nov 20, 2015 12:00 AM

Toys Meet Snow by Emily Jenkins, illus. by Paul O. Zelinsky

This is a gorgeous wintery charmer! It's the first snowfall of the year and the very curious buffalo, Lumphy, wants to know why it's snowing. StingRay says it's "because the clouds are sad and happy at the same time," but Plastic (a book loving rubber ball) says snow is "what rain becomes wen the temperature is freezing."

Dear Yeti by James Kwan

"Dear Yeti, We're searching for you. Sincerely, Hikers." Two boys send this note via bird messenger hoping the elusive Yeti will get it. (He does.) The hikers head into the snowy forest and on into the snow-topped mountains. They run out of food. And light. But when a grizzly bear is about to eat them - Yeti appears!


Snow by Sam Usher

A boys wakes up to snow and is anxious to go outside and play. When he opens the door, there's a glorious blanket of untouched whiteness. He wants to be the first to trample it, but he has to wait for Granddad, who takes his sweet time getting ready. A little girl beats him to it. And a whole zoo of animals. 

This picture book in watercolor and ink captures the anticipation of a snow day.




The Snow Rabbit by Camille Garoche

Garoche conjures an enchanting, wordless story of two sisters, one in a wheelchair, and a white rabbit made of snow who leaps to life in the lilac-hued forest one winter eve.

To make the book, she created the cut-paper art, built three-dimensional sets in dioramas, then lit and photographed them with amazing depth, crisp edges and soft shadows. It's truly magical.

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