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Treasures of the Rare Books Room - Description de l'Égypte

By Paula N on Mar 1, 2015 12:59 PM

Description de l'Egypte ou, Recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont et faites en Egypte pendant l'expedition de l'armee française pubilé par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'empereur Napoléon le Grand (English: Description of Egypt, or the collection of observations and research which were made in Egypt during the expedition of the French Army) was published in Paris over a 20 year period in installments beginning in 1809 after Napoleon's 1798 expedition to Egypt. The Milwaukee Public Library owns a 27 volume set.

Napoleon Bonaparte departed from France to Egypt in 1798 with a military force of more than 34,000 men and 167 scholars and scientists. Napoleon recognized the importance of the scholars’ and scientists’ endeavors and commissioned them to accurately measure and draw the monuments and nature they observed.

Although Napoleon’s military goals were not achieved, its scientific achievements were far more distinguished. During this expedition the Rosetta Stone was discovered by Napoleon’s army in 1799 and soon after translated. The bountiful information gathered during this expedition changed the way modern society looked upon its history and origins.

To view these items please call the Art, Music and Recreation Department at 414-286-3071 and arrange a visit.

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