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Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King Day.

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Treasures of the Rare Books Room - The Bible

By MPL Staff on Nov 1, 2014 9:45 AM

Biblia, das ist, die gantze Schrifft, Altes vnd Neues Testaments teutsch, d. Martin Luthers: auff gnädige verordnung dess durchleuchtigen, hochgebornen fürsten vnd Herrn, Herrn Ernsts, hertzogen zu Sachsen.... Ist auch zu end neben den christlichen haupt-symbolis mit beygedruckt worden ein kurtzer vnd schöner bericht von der Augspurgischen confession, sambt den Artikeln der confession selbsten, wie sie in dem Original. so im jahr 1530. käiser Carl dem Fünfften über antwort worden, begriffen sind.

Simply put, this is the Bible translated into German by Martin Luther printed in 1662. This is the fifth edition of the Ernestinische, Kurfürsten oder Weimarer Bibel originally published in 1641.

German theologian Martin Luther (1483 – 1546), was the catalyst of the Protestant Reformation. Luther’s writings, including the Ninety-five Theses, stated that the Bible was the only source necessary to determine the way a person could achieve salvation. This declaration clearly excluded the indulgences the Roman Catholic Church offered and created debates throughout Europe. As a result in 1521 he was excommunicated and declared a political outlaw. All of his writings were ordered to be burnt. Luther’s German translation of the Bible brought the Word of God to the masses and set the precedence for scholars to translate the Bible into other national languages.

To view this item please call the Art, Music and Recreation Department at 414-286-3071 and arrange a visit.

Valerie @ Central

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